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Minety maintain impressive start

Minety maintained their impressive start to the season with a fine 38-5 win at hitherto unbeaten Supermarine in Dorset and Wilts Division 1.

With playing resources across their two teams stretched to the limit, Minety gave debuts to ex Academy 2nd row River Burton and flanker Ben Sellick and actually kicked off the match with just 15 player and no replacements.

Minety dominated the early exchanges but with both teams evenly matched at both lineout and scrum, the action was played out in midfield with handling errors breaking the rhythm of the game.

Minety opened the scoring in the 25th minute.  When winger Ben Langridge was brought down 25 metres out it was scrum half Garin Garland who spotted a gap to race through to score.  Garland converted his try and Minety led 7-0.

Minety doubled their lead in the 38th minute.  A fine attacking move involving centre Tom Windle and flanker Sellick took the ball deep into their opponents’ half.  The home defence repelled a number of attacks before prop Colin French evaded one tackle and spun out of another to claim his first 1st XV try.

Supermarine ended the half with a fine try.  Missed tackles in midfield allowed the home team space in Minety’s 22 and their centre touched down out on the right to leave the score at half time Supermarine 5 Minety 14.

The village side dominated the start of the second half and, after a series of fluent attacking moves, scored their third try when fly half Adam Watt dummied the home defence and raced through to score under the posts, Garland converting the score.

Minety extended the lead to 23 points in the 47th minute.  Centre Tom McAllister broke free on the left and fed Garland who made ground before off loading to Dave Cooke, the winger spinning out of two tackles before running the ball in to score from 25 metres out.

In the 52nd minute Claxton’s brilliant burst through the Supermarine defence set up first full back Duncan Simpson and then 2nd row Ben Scott, both held close to the line, before Garland spotted a gap to register his 2nd try and take the score to Supermarine 5 Minety 33.

The game opened up in the final quarter with both teams intent on moving the ball around.  Solid tackling from Simpson and the forwards kept Supermarine at bay.

Minety’s superior speed and ball retention told in the end when a fine move across the width of the pitch ended with Langridge touching down wide on the right for Minety’s 6th try and a 38-5 lead.

Garland was denied a hat trick deep in injury time.  His initial break on half way was taken on by the impressive Sellick.  Simpson was on hand to run the ball towards the corner flag but as Garland collected at the ensuing ruck, the referee was bowled over in the melee and was unsighted as the scrum half touched down.

Final score Supermarine 5 Minety 38.

Coach Hywel Rees was very pleased with his team’s performance.  “It took a while for us to settle down but when we did we ran in tries from all over the pitch.  We’re now up to 4th in the table, just 4 points behind leaders Bradford on Avon.”

Next Saturday Minety travel to Dorchester for Dorset and Wilts Cup Action.

In the weekend’s other game, Minety 2nds were edged out 18-13 at Chippenham.

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