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Waitrose Malmesbury funds aid Minety Minis

Separately, and with considerable thanks to Clare Stone, and to Malmesbury Waitrose of course, from 1st to 31st July Minety Minis is fundraising through the Waitrose Community Matters scheme at the store in Malmesbury (at Avon Mills, SN16 9FN). For those not aware of the scheme, little green discs are given to you at the tills (or take a handful at the self-checkout! ) and you simply place them in the receptacle labelled Minety Minis Rugby at the exit. Then after end of the month, Waitrose gives Minety Minis a surprisingly impressive wodge of cash. So if you’re shopping today or tomorrow, save up your tokens; and if you don’t shop at Waitrose, tell your friends that do!

Thank you Clare, and thanks Waitrose! Hopefully this will also help raise the profile of our club amongst the shoppers of North Wiltshire and South Gloucestershire. For those interested or otherwise able to badger the teachers and headteachers at their kids’ school, please see attached a flyer we’ve produced to highlight the great work of Minety RFC and to attract new talent for the new season starting 1st September. Please feel free to forward this to your children’s school for inclusion in end-of-term mailings to parents, to your neighbours, your kids’ friends – take it to your summer fête – spread the word!

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