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Support Rob running the Bath Half for Macmillan

It’s time to get the credit cards out and make a donation to a brilliant cause and supporting a Minety player on a mission.

Rob Hinwood

Rob Hinwood is running the Bath Half Marathon on March 17th to raise much needed funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Rob writes:

Every year my wonderful mum takes part in Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, which helps support thousands of people suffering with cancer – which Mum herself fought off over 10 years ago. This year I’ve decided to get involved…but I make terrible cakes and average coffee. However I’m quite good at putting one foot in front of the other fairly quickly for a long (ish) time. So I’m running the Bath Half on March 17th!

Please give whatever you can – I will be incredibly grateful no matter the amount!

Click on the link below to go through to the Just Giving page for Rob and make a donation, make a change! Go on, you know you want to!

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