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Saturday 16 January 2010

Following Friday’s amazing thaw, although the second team game away against Combe Down seconds was postponed, the firsts were able to play their home fixture against Devizes on the surprisingly intact surface of the Nigel Bishop Memorial Ground.

Alas, it wasn’t a terribly good game and we lost, but it was at least nice to see some rugby again! For those interested, there’s a full report on the game in the Match Reports section.

Training is on Tuesday evening at 7 pm at Minety Playing Fields. New players are warmly welcomed and old players warmly encouraged to turn up! After today’s game, there’s every reason to suppose that a spot of training really wouldn’t go amiss…

Minety’s next games are this Saturday, 23 January 2010, when the firsts travel to Frome and the seconds play at home against Colerne. Kick offs are at 2.30 pm.

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