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Minety Under 15’s

I’m hoping that we (in the Under 15s) can call on on all readers of this site to use whatever networks you have (social media or otherwise) to help promote a search for new players? The Under 15 team is in a dire situation, we have a fantastic core squad of 10-12 players, but we’re lacking those extra 5-6 players to field an effective team this season. The bottom line is that the boys recognise the problem and want to play so, despite a staggering allegiance to Minety, they are likely to move en masse in the next few weeks if the situation stays as it is. Note that this isn’t about winning or league glory, it’s purely about playing and enjoying rugby with a solid team of really good friends.

If anyone is able to put the word out now that the Under 15s at Minety are looking for new players to expand an enthusiastic squad that’s well-respected by visiting teams and officials alike, that would be great. We train on Thursdays (18.30) and on Sundays (10.00) we either train or play games. Next Sunday, 30th September, is our first game of the season, at home against Warminster. Anyone interested in playing would be welcome to come along on Thursday or Sunday to meet the boys and the coaches.

You can find us on Facebook at

Anyone interested in joining the U15 team can contact Ady on 07872 073350

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