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Keep in touch!

Touch rugby starts at Minety on Tuesday.

Anyone can come and play. It’s £2 a head on the night, it’s organised by Huw Jones, it starts at 6.30 pm and you can find out more at:

Meanwhile, the Minety RFC 40th Anniversary Summer Ball was the most terrific success. Hearty thanks and congratulations to Craig Smith and Martin Coe for all their hard work in making it happen. The marquee was great, the food delicious and the band absolutely outstanding.

Somewhere amidst all the feasting and jiving, the annual awards were also handed out. Well done to all the award winners, including Player’s Player of the Season David “Daff” Hazell (pictured left).

There are more photos on the 40th Anniversary Summer Ball page. Send in your pictures of the evening and we’ll try and post as many as we can there.

STOP PRESS: there are vacancies for TWO coaches for the U18 Academy squad for next season. See Youth Match Reports for details.

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