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Captain’s comments at 2016 Dinner

Wallace presents Dave Peirce with his "booster seat"

Wallace presents Dave Peirce with his “booster seat”

Andrew (from now on to be referred to as Wallace) started by thanking all of the players, support staff and supporters for what had been a truly memorable and most enjoyable season.  A brilliant season.  The passion and gusty performance on the day Minety won the Dorset and Wilts Vase made it a day that Wallace said he’d never forget.

There was something of a “turkey hangover” after Christmas.  Player availability and injuries meant that matches were lost and valuable league points dropped.  Thankfully, by the end of March form had picked up and the 1st XV were back in 4th place in the league.  Whilst late season wins over Chippenham and Supermarine were satisfying, nothing could compare to the delight of winning the last game of the season against the league champions, Combe Down.

Highlights of the Year:

Pete Hazell’s 86 seconds in the Vase final proved pivotal in us winning the match.

Jack Ward 3 yellows in the first 5 matches didn’t bode well for the season but he turned it round quickly and made a massive contribution to the team.

Ben Collins.  The DVD showed the extent of the eye gouge incident and how he floored the prop with a right hook.

Tom Claxton, our resident hooker, for his silky Sonny Bill Williamson pass in the match at Devizes which set up one of our tries.

Craig Smith, complete with “wonky” toe.  Thanks so much for all his help with training and for always being there to make up numbers on the bench when we were short.

Coach Ward – thanks for stepping in and for an amazing season and keeping us all on track.

Dave Peirce.  Great job as Chairman this year.  To thank Dave for all his efforts, Wallace presented Dave with a tractor booster seat so that he would be able to see over the steering wheel and reach the brake pedal next time that he mowed the field.

Dale Langdown.  Thanks for all the social events organised and for collecting in tour money.

Jack Ward, for the excellent organisation of the Minety 7’s tournament.

Will North, for being an excellent vice captain and for stepping up when Wallace was not available.

Ben Scott.  Thanks to Ben and all the 2nd team players for always being there to support the 1st XV and providing players whenever the team was short.

Steve Jackman and the physio team – for looking after us all season and being there to support all our matches.

Andrew O’Dell, for opening up the bar on a Tuesday night and making the post training time so enjoyable.

Wallace added that the whole club was thinking about our good friend Rob Bugden.  Best wishes form all for your recovery, Rob.

Thanks to the caterers for a fine meal.

Captain’s Award.

Many contenders, too many to mention individually, but for rarely missing training, for filling the water bottles and seeing that the kit was always washed, the winner is Ben Collins.

Captain's Award winner: Ben Collins

Captain’s Award winner: Ben Collins

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