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2019 Annual General Meeting

The club AGM will be held on Tuesday 11th June at 7.30pm in the club house.

The Annual General Meeting is a vitally important event in the club’s calendar where the new members of the committee for the following year will be voted into post and where members can have their say to influence the future of the club.

Please make every effort to attend. This is your Rugby Club, and this is your chance to voice your opinions, elect officers for next season etc. These are challenging times for all sporting clubs, especially relatively small ones like Minety. We all need to pull together and work for the club.

If you would like to stand for an official position please add your name to the election of officers form, which is currently on the notice board in the Rugby Club, or contact Graham Cooke, Peter McAllister or Andy Ward before next Tuesday (all contact details are on the Contacts Page of the website).

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