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2016 Dinner – Ben Scott’s comments


Ben spoke as captain of the 2nd XV at Minety.  He began by explaining that it had been a difficult season for the 2nd XV with 8 wins and 12 losses.  The 2nds started the season well with a solid squad playing good rugby every week and were well worth their 3rd or 4th place in the league up until Christmas.  However, the Christmas break saw a number of retirements and injuries and the team struggled to maintain that level of performance during the rest of the season and ended in 7th place.

Discipline had really improved over the 2014/5 season when there had been too many red and yellow cards.  This season there was only 1 red and 1 yellow card, a great improvement.

In total the 2nd XV used no less than 72 players and didn’t drop a match all season even when there were all manner of re-arranged fixtures due to the wet weather on and around the Christmas and New Year break.

For the statistically minded, Ben told the assembled audience that Will Mason was the top points scorer with 52 points while Del Murray claimed the most number of tries with 9.  Dan Wilson put in the most appearances with 18 followed by Ben and Matt Stone on 17.

Points wise it doesn’t look good: For 396  Against 569 but Ben added that there were a number of teams who appeared to be made up of more than their share of 1st teamers “recovering from injury in the 2nds” at crucial times of the season.

Ben thanked: Adie Fisher for always being at matches, with his kit and an offer of playing if it was required; Steve Murray for supporting the team and always being prepared to step in as a referee when one was required; Steve Jackman and the physio team for keeping players, like Ben, on the pitch throughout the season; and all of the players who had turned out for the 2nds and ensured that not a single match was forfeited.


Most Improved 2nd XV player Award: Contenders: Brodie Murray, for his approach to games and for his tremendous improvement in all aspects of the game throughout the season, and Kieran Gash, for his excellent performances in a number of positions during the season.  Winner: Kieran Gash

Player of the Season:  Contenders:  Mark Glew, for his whole hearted play for the 2nd XV and for his appearance for the 1st XV; Andy Ward, for his 1 game 1 try record, and Dan Wilson, for his all round play and tremendous support for his fellow players.  Winner: Dan Wilson


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